The research papers can represent both theoretical and practical perspectives and methodological approaches. It is a platform for the publication of the most advanced research. International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES) is a freely accessible and downloadable. International Of Journal English and Studies (IJOES) is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research papers or articles or review articles in several areas of English and Literature.
International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES) welcomes papers in the domain of English Language and Literature. It encourages scholars and teachers of English and Literature to contribute their papers in the fields of Language and its research, Literature and its Applications, Creative Writing, Linguistics, Accent, Poetry, Criticism, Phonetics, Literary Criticism, Philosophy of Language, Theatre, Technical Communication, Culture Studies, Methodologies in Teaching and other topics related to English.
Original Research manuscript Papers.
Review Articles.
Short Communications.
Case Studies.
Letters to the Editors.
International Journal of International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES) publishes articles for every Month ,12 Issues for a year.
All manuscripts should only be sent to the editorial office Please remember that International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES) will only accept manuscripts submitted via attachment only. The correspondence may take place on the same day or within 48 hours. Our expert team will review the paper. An acceptance/rejection letter will be sent to your respective E- Mail when your paper is accepted/rejected.
The purpose of the peer review process is to make sure that the manuscript is of the standard quality. When a Manuscript is submitted to IJOES, it goes for internal review and if it is fulfilling basic requisite determined by our protocol, it goes for the peer-reviewed double-blind process. The peer-review process is a broadly accepted method for research authentication.
Plagiarism is an offense. IJOES will check all the submitted manuscripts against plagiarism using authenticate plagiarism detection software. If plagiarism is found the manuscript will be rejected at once. If plagiarism issue arises even after publication of the manuscript, the corresponding manuscript will be removed.
International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES) is a nonprofitable organisation which is not funded by others. We are forced to charge a nominal fee of Rs 600/- for Indian authors and 30 USD for other countries, that is used for Website and other required costs.
We publish only the true research done by the English fraternity. The free international journal implies as follow; free international English Journals, free international English journals with good impact factor, English journals with good impact factor, English journals in India, Approved International English journals, free approved international English journals, International approved English literature journals, English literature journals, free international English literature Journals, free international English literature journals with good impact factor, English Literature journals with good impact factor, English Literature journals in India.
Approved International English Literature journals, free approved international English journals, free international English Journals in India, free international English journals with good impact factor India, English journals with good impact factor in India, English journals in India, Approved International English journals in India, free approved international English journals in India, International approved English literature journals in India, English literature journals in India, free Approved international English Journals, free Approved international English journals with good impact factor, Approved English journals with good impact factor, Approved English journals in India, Approved International English journals, free approved international English journals, International approved English literature journals, Approved English literature journals.